

De los creadores de los sims llega Spore, un juego que te permite controlar la evolución de tu criatura.

La evolución se dividen en etapas que van desde la unicelular, criatura, tribalista, civilización y espacial.
Will Wright explica en una entrevista las diferentes influencias científicas de este juego. Una perspectiva amplia que permite incluir conceptos y conocimiento desde la física, química, biología, sociología, etc. El comportamiento de la vida en un determinado hábitat, donde la cooperación, competencia y especialización de cada especie determina la formación de biosferas diferentes.

La intención, explica Will Wright es conectar todo con la realidad y lograr una mirada diferentes sobre nuestro mundo como resultado de haber jugado este juego.

In case you've been under a rock and haven't heard, "Spore" is the latest big idea from Wright, the legendary game developer at Electronic Arts who also created the "SimCity" series. The game is his attempt to turn the process of evolution into entertainment.

Players start off controlling a single-cell organism. By gobbling up other creatures or plants in the primordial goo, the organism gets bigger and more developed and accumulates points.

Players can direct the evolution of their organism by having it mate — through sending out a love song and dancing — with others of its species. Using the points they've accumulated,
players can buy potentially beneficial appendages for their organism, such as more complex eyes or cilia to allow them to turn quickly.

The game continues in this fashion until the organism develops enough to become a land creature, which represents the next level of play. Instead of devouring other cells, the creature attacks — or learns to cooperate with — other creatures.

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