Smells Like Record 3

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs –- a band we truly, deeply love -– hace unos días posteo un acertijo refiriéndose a su nuevo álbum. Bajo el título “Smells Like Record 3,” la banda revelo su fuente de inspiración, parece ser que el campo les sienta bien..ya que la banda decidio instalar su estudio en el campo...con esta onda anti-urban lograron el ambiente necesario junto a “fuzzy soft muses aka kittens” si, parece ser que estos gatitos jugaron un rol prioritario en el proceso creativo..
Show Your Bones was written in Sam Spiegel’s home studio amidst the birth of a litter of kittens, little gold lions scrambling around. Amazingly therapeutic, nothing turns a frown upside down (there are many frowns in the record writing process) as a purring kitten in your lap. Alas our favorite kitten of all beloved SQUEAKER arrived just in time for record three! Abandoned by his mother, we’ve watched him grow before our very eyes from a blind and helpless little thing into a frisky and fierce little beauty — much like the tunes we’re writing. Go figure.
Show Your Bones was written in Sam Spiegel’s home studio amidst the birth of a litter of kittens, little gold lions scrambling around. Amazingly therapeutic, nothing turns a frown upside down (there are many frowns in the record writing process) as a purring kitten in your lap. Alas our favorite kitten of all beloved SQUEAKER arrived just in time for record three! Abandoned by his mother, we’ve watched him grow before our very eyes from a blind and helpless little thing into a frisky and fierce little beauty — much like the tunes we’re writing. Go figure.