Kent Rogowski - Bears

Bears, es una serie de portaretratos de un origen poco usual: ositos de peluche ordinarios que fueron turned inside out and restuffed. La pariencia de cada animal esta determinada por el proceso de manofactura que lo crea. Diseños simples y dispositivos que nunca fueron pensados como como caracteristicas psiquicas promimentes en cada animal. Otorgandole a cada una su extraña y distintiva personalidad. sus costuras delinean siluetas impensadas, cierres que se trasnforman en cicatrices, and their stuffing creeps out in the most unexpected places. Together these images form a topology of strange yet oddly familiar creatures. They are at once hideous yet cuddly, disturbing yet endearing, absurd yet adorable, while offering a metaphor for us all to consider. These bears, which have lived and loved and lost as much as their owners, have suffered and endured through it all. It is by virtue of revealing their inner core might we better understand our own.