El creador de virus (recientemente encarcelado) más temido de China (word.whboy) representa uno de los tantos casos en donde la amenaza se transforma en aliado.
Al joven y malicioso programador le han ofrecido un trabajo por el cual le pagarían millones de yuanes…el tema es que el muchacho trabaja desde su celda…
He's actually been offered several, and one of the companies that has offered him the position of Technology Director was actually affected by his virus. The General Manager there now believes the virus writer may have just been 'led astray'. The media is reporting that author Li Jun originally wrote the virus due to frustrations over being jobless.
So far, about 10 network companies across the country have offered jobs to Li, whom they regarded was a "precious genius," the report said citing Li's lawyer Wang Wanxiong. Li's cyber bug, which earned him about 145,000 yuan after selling it to other hackers from December 2006 to February this year, can prevent infected computers from operating anti-virus software and all programs using the "exe" suffix.