Una nueva banda de bikers circula por las calles de Richmond Hill, Queens.
Este grupo de adolescentes con bicicletas ordinarias (not motorcycles) gastan su mesada o el poco dinero que poseen en gigantescos y elaborados sistemas de sonido.
“This one puts out 5,000 watts and cost about $4,000,” said Nick Ragbir, 18, Habalndo de su two-wheeled sound system, with its powerful amplifier, two 15-inch bass woofers and four midrange speakers. It plays music from his iPod and is powered by car batteries mounted on a sturdy motocross bike.
The riders are of Guyanese and Trinidadian background. In those countries, turning bicycles into rolling outdoor sound systems is a popular hobby.
“It’s really big where I come from in Trinidad,” Mr. Ragbir said. “When I first came to New York, I started with two little speakers. People here thought I was crazy because no one here has really ever seen it, except maybe for some Spanish dudes with a radio strapped to their handlebars.”
He added: “People say, ‘It’s the next best thing to having a system in a car.’ But it’s better because you don’t even have to roll down the windows.”
“Some guy hired me to build them for his kids,” he said. “Now a lot of people want them.”
vía The New York times