Olor y sabor a vainilla a partir de estiércol de vaca…otro descubrimiento japonés

Mayu Yamamoto una joven investigadora del Centro Médico Internacional de Japón fue premiada con el Anti-Nobel de Química por descubrir un método para extraer VANILLIN (un ingrediente de la fragancia y el sabor de la vainilla) a partir de excremento de vaca.

Yamamoto, who attended the award ceremony at Harvard University on October 4, said, “At first I thought it was a joke, but I came to the award ceremony hoping my research would become more widely known.” Yamamoto says that widespread adoption of her method could help the environment because companies would make greater use of cow dung, which arguably contributes to global warming.

El premio anual denominado Ig Nobel Prizes rinde homenaje a aquellos científicos e investigadores que... “first make people laugh, and then make them think,” según los propios fundadores de la revista de humor Annals of Improbable Research.

Yamamoto is 12th Japanese person to receive an Ig Nobel Prize since the awards were established in 1991. Previous award-winning achievements from Japan include the invention of karaoke, which received the Peace Prize, and the Tamagotchi, which received the Economics Prize.


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