what is important to you...

Candy Chang is a public installation artist, designer, urban planner, and co-founder of Civic Center who likes to make cities more comfortable for people.
"Before I Die transforms neglected spaces into constructive ones where we can learn the hopes and aspirations of the people around us. It turns out this entire process (including obtaining official approval from many entities) has been a great lesson, experience, and project in itself – more on that later. If you’re in New Orleans, stop by the corner of Marigny and Burgundy (900 Marigny Street) to add your thoughts to the wall and see what matters most to your neighbors. It’s a question that has changed me in the last year, and I believe the design of our public spaces can better reflect what’s important to us as residents and as human beings. The responses and stories from passersby while we were installing it have already hit me hard in the heart. More installations to come."
1. tr. Infundir o hacer nacer en el ánimo o la mente afectos, ideas, designios, etc.
2. tr. Sugerir ideas o temas para la composición de la obra literaria o artística.
3. tr. Dar instrucciones a quienes dirigen o redactan publicaciones periódicas.
4. tr. Dicho de Dios: Iluminar el entendimiento de alguien y mover su voluntad.
