Taiga Onitsuka, Plays Jazz ( at 8 Years Old )
Con solo ocho años de edad Taiga Onitsuka asombra a sus mayores y despierta admiración o recelo de aquellos que carecemos de ese talento musical. Taiga toca su bateria para el público en general desde los cinco años, convirtiéndose rápidamente en una superestrella en Japón nada menos que tocando jazz.

Taiga según wiki...Tiger Onitsuka (鬼束 大我 Onitsuka Taiga, born 9 July 1998) is Japanese jazz drummer, who holds the Guinness World Record for "The World’s Youngest Professional Jazz Drummer”. Onitsuka started playing the drums from the age of 5, and performed at a concert in Harlem, New York in 2005 at the age of 7.

Taiga según wiki...Tiger Onitsuka (鬼束 大我 Onitsuka Taiga, born 9 July 1998) is Japanese jazz drummer, who holds the Guinness World Record for "The World’s Youngest Professional Jazz Drummer”. Onitsuka started playing the drums from the age of 5, and performed at a concert in Harlem, New York in 2005 at the age of 7.