ceiling cat is watching you…
Si te portas mal y no comes tu helado, si eres un onanista descontrolado ten cuidado ya que el gato en el techo te esta mirando... él todo lo puede ver...
Ceiling Cat refers to a photographic image of a concerned-looking cat whose head appears poking out through a hole in a ceiling. This image has become universally recognized by all denizens of the Tubes as a sign of wonder, an icon of fear, and a source of lulz. In the mythos of memedom, Ceiling Cat is the analog of God.
ceiling cat papercrft

Si te portas mal y no comes tu helado, si eres un onanista descontrolado ten cuidado ya que el gato en el techo te esta mirando... él todo lo puede ver...
Ceiling Cat refers to a photographic image of a concerned-looking cat whose head appears poking out through a hole in a ceiling. This image has become universally recognized by all denizens of the Tubes as a sign of wonder, an icon of fear, and a source of lulz. In the mythos of memedom, Ceiling Cat is the analog of God.
ceiling cat papercrft
