My neighbor Totoro - Tonari no Totoro!
Una de mis pelis favoritas de Miyazaki; ya tiene sus años, pero por las características del dibujo japones los años no se notan.
- Totoro (トトロ )
- A grey and white, friendly forest spirit, whose appearance is a combination of an owl, a cat, and a tanuki and is at least three meters tall. Totoro is Mei's mispronunciation of torōru, the Japanese pronunciation of troll as a loanword. There are two similar, smaller creatures in the film, also referred to as totoro; the big grey Totoro is named "Ō-Totoro", or "Miminzuku", the middle is "Chū-Totoro", or "Zuku", and the smallest is "Chibi-Totoro", or "Mini". These names do not appear in the film itself, but are used in ancillary materials.